backing up your OmniFocus database with borgbackup Next time you want to roll back your OmniFocus content, to undo for any reason, borg will let you do that reliably with as much fine-grained control as you have set up.
Apple's insurance policy for Extended Reality applications In the last few days, Apple began releasing end-to-end encryption (E2EE), they're calling it client-side encryption, for most iCloud services.
I hope this email finds you well. And other pointless, time-consuming, and possibly dangerous email rituals.
💪 Anyone can strategize: Sun Szu for 4X wargame Space Empires 4X Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.
on computing being fun I'm convinced that programmers (like myself) who bypassed the science in computing, at least partly did so because what we saw looked dull. At least, duller than just programming right away.
neatly bookending a body of work The most recent Write the Docs newsletter starts with a sign off by Beth, this being their last newsletter as editor.
Remote work vs work from home vs distributed work: they're not the same We have preferences in how we like to work. But my experience leads me to pin three practices as non-negotiable for effective distributed work.
A quick YAML refresher, since I forget so easily Take away: use comments generously in your YAML. Comments mitigate technical debt.
simple computer science glossary In my experience, comprehension is achieved through clarity of thinking. This glossary is an ongoing project to clarify my thinking by defining computer science concepts in simple language.