receiving RSS in email

If I don't have time, well, life's too short: I let it go and delete the email, unread 😱

Adam Engst:

I’ve tried numerous RSS readers over the years but have never settled down with one because they require me to devote specific time to reading news. That requires remembering to do so and switching context. I actively want to see what’s new in my email every morning and throughout the day, but I never even think to launch an RSS reader...By employing an RSS-to-email service, new posts from blogs and other sites that provide RSS feeds can appear in my email automatically.

Michael Tsai:

I prefer an actual RSS reader, since I find it more efficient for following large numbers of feeds.

Adrian B:

RSS as email is actually how I read this very blog, through IFTTT. I used to have more subscriptions but IFTTT cut down on free usage so nowadays it's almost only this one. Nice to see that there are alternative services out there.

Glad to find from the posts that I'm not the only one receiving RSS in email. Although these days I've cut out Pocket and just straight up read in the email app. If I don't have time, well, life's too short: I let it go and delete the email, unread 😱

I don't follow a large number of feeds, as I literally don't have the capacity. IFTTT enables something super useful for me: batching, with Email Digest. For every feed, I have Email Digest collect a week's worth of posts, then send it all in a single email. This lets me scan one email per feed per week for anything I might like. I pay IFTTT and use no other features available in my subscription.

I love RSS and I wish there was an RSS feed for every possible source; looking at you Apple Security Research and security releases. Thankfully, there's a Mailman mailing list I can use to be notified about OS upgrades.

I'm also looking forward to Project Tapestry; it won't replace RSS to email, but it could encourage growth in the open web space that would let RSS thrive.
